Effortless Exercises for Lazy People

Getting healthy is a big part of being successful or happy because your health can reflect how you live your life, your self-image and how much energy you have. Lack of energy and enthusiasm can come from being unfit, unwell or unhappy about your physical self. It’s difficult to get up and get things done when you are feeling inadequate or lazy (physically and mentally). It doesn’t have to take great deal of effort to begin a routine of physical activity. You can start with a simple set of three exercises of your choice, to strengthen and reshape your body. Some basic exercises are; lunges, sit-ups, plank, squats. Here are some more tips:

ARMS – Whenever you can during any time of day, stretch your arms forward, holding your muscles tight and swing them to the sides, pushing your arms towards the back as far as you can. Then make a fist, bend in at the elbows and brace as tight as you can.

LEGS – With your feet apart slightly wider than your hips, squat down to a comfortable level, no more than 90 degrees and come back up. Do this slowly to gain strength and as many as you can. You can do this in the shower, whilst doing chores such as dishes and hanging out washing etc.

LEGS AND ABDOMINALS – (This will be best done when no one is watching). No need to do sit ups that may upset your back. As you walk, raise your knees as high as you can with each step. You can vary this movement by having the leg straight (like a marcher). The abdominal muscles are contracted by the raising of the leg. You can do this standing still or as your go about your day.

For extra benefits, walk every day, even if it’s at the shopping centre.

Put on music and dance or skip as you do your regular chores.

Stretch every part of your body, it will warm up and energize your body.

For more handy tips to energize your mind, body and spirit – Claim Your Power, the e-book is available at Amazon.

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